I like to create something new. I recently completed an unusual but important project: I designed and manufactured an automatic feed dispenser for my beloved cat Infinity. She has just recently arrived in the UK – and to celebrate her relocation, I decided to give her a feeder.
First, I got acquainted with the existing products and described the main materials, features and methods of distributing products that are usually used for feeding pets. After that, I highlighted all the functions I wanted to see in my project and started.
I made 15 drawings of all kinds of pet feeders that seemed to me the most promising in design and functionality, and chose the five that I liked the most after interviewing my cat (unfortunately, his answers were not particularly useful).
Then I modeled all my ideas in 3D and expanded the description of the key functions. Choosing the one that my cat would like the most, I made a list of components and printed the model in 3D. A week later, Infinity and I were in an unusually joyful mood, my cat because of her new acquisition, and I because of the realization that my skills cannot limit my imagination as long as I remain open to innovation and bringing ideas to life.