

“Checkmate,” I said, pushing my queen into position for a fatal blow. I couldn’t help but smile when I announced the victory over my father: a triumph that had been preparing for five years! I have already told you for a reason that one of my first serious inventions was a smart chess board.

My love for chess originated at a young age and has been steadily growing ever since. As the president of my school’s chess club, I am very proud to promote this game. In a few short years, I turned the club from a small circle with rare meetings into a full-fledged co-educational association, which entered the top three schools (out of 100) of the national championship. Combining passion with strong organizational skills, I helped develop something important both for myself and for others. Although I enjoy being an active participant, creating something that could last beyond my time at school makes sense, especially considering that this hobby originated at home.

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